Monday, September 7, 2009

Political Journalism Radio Interview (30%)

I've recently fallen into a bit of an animal welfare/protection theme.  :-)

While trying to chase down a talent for a radio interview, i contacted Voiceless, the Australian animal protection institute, who were unable to get back to me in time. When someone did eventually respond however, they kindly forwarded information about the Voiceless 2009 Media Prize

Something nice to consider... :-)

Watch a Youtube video of the interview that i did end up having below. The talent i lined up was actually the first legal intern for Voiceless and continues to volunteer for them. 
I only found this out in passing conversation about 10 seconds before our interview began! Things worked out rather serendipitously for me i think. Enjoy.



Keely Boom is a lawyer and activist - she teaches law at the University of Wollongong and is currently doing a PhD on the exposure to legal risk for climate change damage.

Executive Officer of the 
Australian Climate Justice ProgramKeely recently traveled to London to be presented with the winning prize for a global Qxfam competition on climate change and human rights law.
Keely has done some research on animal law and enforcement in NSW and is a member of campus organisation SAAC (Students Against Animal Cruelty).
Here she speaks with Melissa Coade, discussing the importance of animal welfare, animal rights and some of the challenges our nation faces regulating and enforcing the protection of animals.

Friday, August 21, 2009

60 seconds @ UOW

Spring 2009, Convergent Journalism - UOW promotional mash-up

Ian Farrell is an Honorary Fellow of the University of Wollongong. A former teacher with the UOW Faculty of Law and a Maths/LLB graduate, he is now working as a professor with the University of Texas(UT).

In the United States Ian worked with organisations appealing death penalty convictions, as well as two clinics that provided legal services to victims of domestic violence.

His research at UT looks at the 8th Amendment of the US Bill of Rights; the prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment. Ian’s research applies theories of moral philosophy to Court interpretations of the cruel and unusual clause.

Here Ian speaks with Melissa Coade about life as an expatriate and his interest in legal studies.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Convergent Journalism Reflection (20%)

Autumn 2009, Philosophy of Journalism

Melissa discusses the problems she's encountered in Jour215 and shares her perspectives on constructing narrative with multimedia.

Duration: 3.27 min

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Audio Visual Task (40%)

Blake Cochran, 24, is a Biology PhD student at the University of Wollongong.

About to embark on a working holiday in New York, Blake speaks with Melissa Coade about the development of his research and fascination of science.

Duration: 3.31 min

Welcome Note

Thank you for visiting my blog. I will progressively update this online showcase in coming months. Please check back soon.
