
Melissa Coade is a Canberra-based writer with published works in both print and broadcast format. She has varied public relations and communications experience and is an established legal journalist.

In 2019, Melissa moved to Melbourne where she supported the work of the Victorian Bar Association, undertaking research and interviews for speech-writing, obituaries and other official notices.

In Sydney, Melissa worked as a journalist with Momentum Media's Lawyers Weekly for more than two years. She went on to contribute to the monthly magazine of the Law Society of NSW, LSJwhere she worked for a year as a senior journalist.

In 2015 Melissa lived and worked in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, completing internships with UN Women and the United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials (UNAKRT).

Melissa received her joint qualifications in journalism and law from the University of Wollongong. She is admitted as a Lawyer of the Supreme Court of NSW.

Follow Melissa on Twitter for Australian legal news, information about Cambodia's changing landscape, justice-in-transition and other human rights miscellany.